Category Exercise

Exercise is often considered to be the fountain of youth. But for those embarking on a new exercise journey, the task can be daunting. Our exercise blogs are aimed to provide you with actionable resources and education to make informed decisions.

3 Effective Ways to Strengthen Your Core Using a Stability Ball

Knee up - Core Strengthening
Core strength is a foundational component of human performance. A strong core help's stabilize and protect your body's spine and vital organs as you perform daily tasks. Without a strong core, your body is more likely to move, hang, or flex into positions that create problems. Try implementing these 3 exercises to improve your core strength.

Fitness Toolbox: Foam Rollers Aid in Relief, Recovery

Foam Rollers - Salinas Physical Therapy, Yorba Linda, California

Walk into most fitness stores, athletic retailers or gyms, and you’ll see them selling different versions of colorful, cylindrical items of various sizes and thicknesses, all covered in firm, textured foam. The items are called foam rollers, and according to…